This website is part of the MentALLY project, a pilot project* which has received funding from the European Parliament.
Ghent University

Kris Rutten

+32 9 264 97 91
Kris Rutten is a professor at the Department of Educational Studies of Ghent University, specifically within the research group Culture & Education

His main research interests are (new) rhetoric, cultural studies, literacy studies, educational theory and the ethnographic turn in contemporary art. 
He is lecturer-in-charge for Cultural Studies and co-lecturer for Culture and Education and Qualitative Research Methods and Interpretation. He provides teaching support for Culture, Media and Education and Teaching Methodology: Behavioural and Social Sciences.
Kris Rutten was a visiting scholar at several university departments abroad (Bath, British Colombia, Stirling, and Luxemburg). For international VLIR and VVOB projects on capacity building he has been conducting workshops on Qualitative Research Methods in Mozambique, South Africa and Ecuador. He received the KBS Emerging Scholar Award at the 9th triennial conference of the Kenneth Burke
Society (St. Louis, July 2014).

He is also a member of the Executive Board of the Rhetoric Society of Europe. Together with Ann Buysse and Alexis Dewaele they have set up a research line on Mental Health Literacy, in which they bring together expertise in clinical psychology on the one hand and rhetorical and narrative analysis on the other hand.
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Department of Educational Studies
Miriam Makebaplein 1
De Krook, Vierde verdieping lokaal 021
9000 Gent
+32 9 264 97 91 
This website is part of the MentALLY project, a pilot project* which has received funding from the European Parliament.
* Pilot Projects is an initiative „of an experimental nature designed to test the feasibility of an action and its usefulness“ and permits appropriations for it to be entered in the EU budget for more than two consecutive financial years.

The content of this website represents the views of the MentALLY partners only and is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.