This website is part of the MentALLY project, a pilot project* which has received funding from the European Parliament.

Viktor Schønning

Viktor Schønning is a research assistent at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. He is employed in the department for health promotion and is awarded a scholarship from the Norwegian Research Council for a research project on mental wellbeing and sports participation for youth. He is also listed as an internal contributor in a comprehensive report on preventive and health promoting measures for children and youth published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Furthermore, Viktor has clinical experience in two supported accomodations for people with mental disorders and has worked as a counselor for individuals and families with eating disorders
This website is part of the MentALLY project, a pilot project* which has received funding from the European Parliament.
* Pilot Projects is an initiative „of an experimental nature designed to test the feasibility of an action and its usefulness“ and permits appropriations for it to be entered in the EU budget for more than two consecutive financial years.

The content of this website represents the views of the MentALLY partners only and is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.